
Sustai­na­bility is a common theme that runs throughout the whole of Orbit One’s organi­sation

Our goal is to minimise our impact on the environment and climate, both in our own daily activities and in the work aimed at developing sustai­nable products together with our customers.

Qualified and sustai­nable services

As the market imposes incre­a­singly high demands on sustai­nable solutions, we are conti­nu­ously enhancing our skills and knowledge in relation to qualified services in the area of sustai­na­bility. This can be seen, for example, through a clear increase in transfers from Asia, increased demand for sustaining services, higher demands on the ability to design and produce sustai­nable products, and a greater need for analysis and control of materials.

Compliance with UN principles

Orbit One complies with the UN Guiding Principles and the UN Sustai­nable Development Goals. The following three Sustai­nable Development Goals represent areas in which Orbit One has the greatest possi­bility to make a contri­bution:

Decent work and economic growth

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Climate action

Environ­mental, social and economic sustai­na­bility

Orbit One takes respon­si­bility by including all three perspectives in the company’s opera­tions: environ­mental sustai­na­bility, social sustai­na­bility and economic sustai­na­bility.

Environ­mental sustai­na­bility

Orbit One strives to reduce the company’s climate and environ­mental impact by taking necessary measures.

Social sustai­na­bility

Orbit One strives to provide a good and safe work environment with decent working condi­tions. Furthermore, Orbit One promotes diversity and has a policy of zero tolerance in relation to all types of discri­mi­nation.

Economic sustai­na­bility

Orbit One performs an annual review of sustai­na­bility-related aspects and publishes an annual sustai­na­bility report, which is prepared in accor­dance with GRI standards (Global Reporting Initi­a­tives).

Orbit One Sustai­na­bility Report 2022

Sweden’s best Lean manufacturing produces sustai­nable results

2022 was a successful year for Orbit One, despite a number of factors that created a high degree of uncer­tainty. Component shortages, transport issues, inter­na­tional conflicts and the pandemic all posed major challenges. However, in summa­rising 2022, we can look back on a year charac­te­rised by record sales levels, a number of new customers and, not least, honou­rable recog­nition as the winner of the 2022 Swedish Lean Award.

Reports from previous years:


Always the right quality!

Our quality is notori­ously high, and it is guaranteed through carefully established and imple­mented routines that follow the product from the prototype stage to the finished product. The right quality is assured through thorough testing with the help of our general or customer-unique test equipment.

Unique quality reporting system

The production units in Ronneby and Stockholm are certified in accor­dance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485 by RISE. The unit in Prabuty in Poland is certified in accor­dance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Another example of our dedicated approach to quality is our unique quality reporting system, which guarantees a consi­stently high level of quality and correct documen­tation and data for fact-based decisions on impro­ve­ments, throughout the production series. Furthermore, the quality of all products is assured through Orbit One’s unique, compre­hensive system of control and monitoring of production processes (Manufacturing Execution System – MES).

Inter­na­tional requi­re­ments

Orbit One has extensive experience of manufacturing under inter­na­tional product safety requi­re­ments such as UL, MET, CSA and ETL for the American market. Prior to and after the perfor­mance of audits, we support our customers with tips and advice to ensure correct handling and mutual development. Orbit One also analyses any other inter­na­tional requi­re­ments on an ongoing basis in order to constantly be able to meet our customers’ needs.

Digita­li­sation for the right quality

Orbit One is a leader in digita­li­sation, and we have developed unique systems that result in assured quality, efficiency and optimal value chains. This is a result of what we call Business Technology, a way to transform the power of digita­li­sation into customer benefits and increased compe­ti­ti­veness.

OneTracker MES – trace­a­bility system

OneTracker, Orbit One’s web-based trace­a­bility and process control system, tracks the product and its compo­nents throughout the value chain, from goods receipt to delivery.

Orbit One iCheck – digital work instruc­tions

Orbit One iCheck comprises interactive work instruc­tions that are also used for repair registration and quality assurance. Orbit One iCheck guarantees that the latest version is always used.

Orbit One WebDoc – digital documen­tation

When the operator scans an order number or serial number, all relevant documents for the associated audit are automa­ti­cally presented on the screen.

Dashboards – real-time KPIs

Our dashboards show real-time KPIs and metrics that are important for monitoring specific processes or a department’s perfor­mance. This real-time monitoring reduces the analysis time and shortens the time taken to implement relevant actions.

Automation – optimal efficiency and quality assurance

Not only do Orbit One’s robot cells produce an efficient production flow, they also facilitate optimal control of the entire process. The trace­a­bility makes it possible to go back and check each product down to individual level and thus guarantee the highest quality.

Orbit One Test System – ensuring quality

Orbit One Test System ensures output quality and provides everything from stand-alone off-line test systems to database-connected PC-controlled systems based on platforms such as National Instru­ments TestStand. Orbit One Test System handles all types of test codes, and the system can also integrate the customer’s own test codes with new test proce­dures specially developed for the project. The system is also connected to OneTracker, where all data is collected.

Orbit One is certified in accor­dance with:

ISO 9001:2015

Ronneby, Stockholm, Prabuty

ISO 14001:2015

Ronneby, Stockholm, Prabuty

ISO 13485:2016

Ronneby, Stockholm

Your product
Is our mission

Always 100% focus on your products. This is the principle we live by. This is the way we think. Orbit One takes long-term, total respon­si­bility for all our customers, be they large or small. We constantly ask ourselves: How can we do this even better, more effici­ently and more sustai­nably? How can we provide more value for the customer? We do not have any products of our own that compete for our time and attention, only your products, and our goal is clear: to be number one in value-adding contract manufacturing!

The customer in focus

Always 100% focus on your products. This is the principle we live by. This is the way we think. We do not have any products of our own that compete for our time and attention, only your products, and our goal is clear: to be number one in value-adding contract manufacturing!

Total solutions

Orbit One takes long-term, total respon­si­bility for all our customers, be they large or small. We constantly ask ourselves: How can we do this even better, more effici­ently and more sustai­nably? How can we provide more value for the customer?


Orbit One is one of Scandinavia’s leading and most experi­enced manufacturers of electronics  and electro­me­chanics. Together with the product owner, Orbit One produces tailor-made, optimised and sustai­nable solutions for the entire value chain.