Inside Orbit One — September 2022

It’s probably no news that Orbit One now possesses leading know-how in areas like digital process control, Lean production, and quality and improvement systems. This is the result of long-term and strategic efforts that are now being recognised by Lean Forum, which has named Orbit One one of this year’s finalists for the 2022 Swedish Lean Award.

Orbit One recog­nised for its work with Lean

Award highlighting role models
The Swedish Lean Award is a compe­tition where companies and organi­sa­tions that actively work with Lean are highlighted as role models. During the fall, the finalists will receive a visit from the Lean Prize Committee and then the Lean Forum board will appoint the winner of the 2022 Swedish Lean Award.

Inspiring for all employees
“ It’s fantastic news, inspiring and wonderful that our company, with our enthusi­astic employees, is a finalist for the 2022 Lean Award. At Orbit one, we carry out long-term work where we constantly inspire and challenge each other to develop, dare to think outside the box and experiment,” Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Ulf Karlsson at Orbit one says.

In great company
The other two finalists being Karolinska University Hospital and the energy company Skell­eftea Kraft, Orbit One is in great company. The winner will be presented on October 12 at the Lean Forum 2022 confe­rence in Gothenburg.

Would you like to know more about Orbit One’s work with Lean? Please contact:
Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Ulf Karlsson by
phone +46 (0) 706 19 42 41 or by e‑mail:

Stable uncer­tainty in the global component market

The best description of the situation in the global component market is probably that it’s a market with “stable uncer­tainty”. While we see no direct impro­vement, we also see no direct deterio­ration. However, prices did continue to increase during the summer, and we are now seeing a couple of percent increase per quarter, Orbit One’s Chief Supply Chain Officer, Marcus Gunnebrant, says.

New concern
– A new concern is the incre­asing tension between China and Taiwan. An escalation of that conflict could lead to major disrup­tions in terms of compo­nents and wafers. At present, however, we have not seen any signs of it yet.

Specu­la­tions driving up prices
– There is currently a certain supply of compo­nents on the broker market. The reason for this is that customers choose to sell compo­nents since they can’t get all the parts for a complete product. The compo­nents are sold with a mark-up, which drives up the prices. There are also some players who buy compo­nents on pure specu­lation and then sell them at a higher price.

Our customers give us great forecasts
– In times like these, it is incre­dibly important with long-term forecasts of purchasing needs. Happily, I can say that our customers are very good at this, which facili­tates our planning with regard to both purchasing and production.

Small signs of better times ahead
– There are, however, some small signs of better times ahead. Recession and inflation can help ease demand, and there are also indica­tions that China’s demand for compo­nents are somewhat decre­asing, which benefits us manufacturers in Europe.

Would you like to know more about the component situation?

Contact our Chief Supply Chain Officer, Marcus Gunnebrant, for the latest news and develop­ments.
You can reach him at +46 (0)70965 21 38 or e‑mail him at:

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