
Contact persons

Mattias Lindhe

President & Chief Executive Officer

Jessica Krantz

Director & Chief Financial Officer

Ulf Karlsson

Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Marcus Gunnebrant

Director & Chief Supply Chain Officer

Mats Eriksson

Director Sales & Marketing

Grzegorz Kohls

Country Manager Poland

Get in touch!

Our offices


Visitor address: Fridhems­vägen 15

372 38 Ronneby

Box 170, 372 22 Ronneby

Tel: +46 (0) 457 742 00


Visitor address: Elektronvägen 4

Delivery address: Elektronvägen 6, Port P

141 49 Huddinge

Tel: +46 (0) 858 75 11 00


Wojska Polskiego 18B

82–550 Prabuty

Tel: +48 (0) 601 06 53 78


NPI – New Product Intro­duction

We need help with product development. Can Orbit One help us with that?

Yes, and as a parti­cipant in your production development team, we can also ensure that optimal produ­ci­bility and testa­bility are built into the product design, jointly minimising the number of design changes.

When can we involve you in development?

The earlier we become involved in product development, the greater your savings throughout the product lifecycle. Our NPI services are also an essential component in quality assurance and form the basis for accurate and important documen­tation.

Can you help with purchasing and analysis of compo­nents?

Yes, Orbit One provides qualified purchasing services and other services in, for example, analysis and inspection of conflict minerals, RoHS and the REACH Directive.

Can you shorten our time-to-market?

Yes, we can definitely shorten time-to-market through dedicated prototype manufacturing, quick feedback, and efficient purchasing.

Can you help with testing?

Yes, through our test development team, we create a detailed feasi­bility study that meets customer test requi­re­ments with a testa­bility report. This provides a point-by-point description of the test solution and test approach for the custo­mer’s specific requi­re­ments.

NPI and Proto­types

Can Orbit One make proto­types for us?

Yes, we have our own prototype team with incre­dibly competent and experi­enced personnel who handle everything required for optimal prototype manufacturing and assessment. The proto­types are built, tested, and assessed inter­nally at our own units.

Can you buy compo­nents for proto­typing?

Yes, Orbit One’s purchasers have component engine­ering expertise and are happy to take care of the purchasing of compo­nents and mechanics suited for proto­typing, even unique compo­nents and even in small volumes. We can also help with component selection for the best possible produ­ci­bility.

Can you help us with prototype assessment and testing?

Yes, along with the finished prototype, we submit written reports on, for example, test results, produ­ci­bility, component selection, and potential impro­ve­ments, both technical and financial. Together, the prototype and the report provide optimal decision support for further development and production.

Do you also make proto­types for finished product impro­vement?

Yes, we can also build and assess proto­types for finished products that need further development and impro­vement, so-called facelifts.

Can you help us with risk assessment of chemicals used?

Yes, our prototype team can perform chemical risk assess­ments and suggest alternate products. We can also verify that the compo­nents and chemicals used comply with various laws and directives, such as UL and RoHS.


Can Orbit One help us test our product?

Yes, we have internal test teams in both Ronneby and Poland. They handle everything required for accurate and client-specific testing, test support, and development for both internal and external test systems.

What test services can you offer?

We offer test solutions based on your needs and design client-unique test inter­faces as needed. If you want to further secure your product, we are happy to carry out a Design Review or an FMEA. Produ­ci­bility, comments on component selection and possible impro­ve­ments, both technical and financial, are other areas with which we can assist.

What is the Orbit One Test System?

The Orbit One Test System (OTS) is a test system that we have developed inter­nally and are constantly developing to obtain optimal flow and meet the needs of our clients. The OTS also handles clients’ propri­etary test proce­dures and, in addition, the system is designed to be connected to the Orbit One MES system, OneTracker.

When can we hire you for test development?

The earlier in the process that we receive documen­tation and prototype boards, the faster we can act and start collecting the infor­mation we need, submit a quote, buy materials like fixtures and instru­ments, prepare production and design of special interface boards, etc.

What do you need from us?

To launch a project, we need documen­tation about the product and a test speci­fi­cation about what and how you want us to test the product. We can be of great help in this phase, but, as developer and product owner, you also hold infor­mation and knowledge that is extremely important when designing the tests.


What can you manufacture?

Regardless of whether you need to manufacture individual PCBAs, modules or complete box build, we have the solutions required. Together with the product owner, Orbit One produces tailor-made, optimised and sustai­nable solutions for the entire value chain.

Where are your production units located?

It is important to be close to the customer. Orbit One’s manufacturing takes place at four different production units which are strate­gi­cally located around the Baltic Sea in Sweden, Russia and Poland. Through a well-consi­dered production strategy we are able to utilise the speci­alist expertise of the various units in an optimal manner for the customer.

Are you quality-certified?

Yes, Orbit One’s manufacturing processes are certified in accor­dance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485. Furthermore, the quality of all products is assured through thorough process control and Orbit One’s unique quality reporting system.

How do you work with Lean and values?

We have come a long way in our work with Lean, although ultimately it is our values that really enable Lean to be highlighted in a manner that is noticeable all the way out to our customers. Our values encourage our employees to take respon­si­bility, challenge established knowledge and not be afraid to present their own ideas and opinions. We want to make the most of every employee’s judgement, skills and experience to achieve the goals we have set.

What diffe­ren­tiates Orbit One’s work methods from other companies?

By setting clear goals, in combi­nation with goal-oriented teams and digital process control, we lay the foundation for ensuring delivery relia­bility and achieving the right level of quality. Our work approach is charac­te­rised by goal-oriented teams that have direct contact with the customer, and it is our dedicated and passionate employees that set us apart from the rest and make us best in our class.

Supply chain

We need to streamline our supply chain. Can Orbit One help us with that?

Yes, Orbit One will help you create an optimal, custom logistics chain, tailored entirely to your needs. It can involve the full chain or selected parts of it, from supplier of the right compo­nents to final delivery of pre-packaged products directly to the end customer.

Can Orbit One help us with component purchasing?

Yes, Orbit One’s purchasers have component engine­ering expertise and can take care of the purchase of compo­nents and mechanics, even unique compo­nents and even in small volumes. Our network includes over 800 suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the right compo­nents at the right quality and price level.

Can you help us analyse the compo­nents?

Yes, Orbit One can perform so-called “BOM Scrubbing”, which involves analysing compo­nents in order to replace discon­tinued compo­nents, clearing outdated and incorrect data, and finding better options with regard to pricing, quality, and produ­ci­bility.

Can you help us with inventory management?

Yes, Orbit One tailors logistics solutions for optimal inventory management. We can take care of all or selected parts of your logistics chain and offer secure solutions including everything from placement in your own packages to spare parts inventory and distri­bution directly to end customers. Through clear reporting systems, inventory levels are optimised and products are monitored all the way to the end customer.

Can Orbit One perform component risk assess­ments?

Yes, we can perform risk assess­ments and verify that compo­nents and chemicals comply with legal requi­re­ments and directives, such as RoHS, REACH, and UL. We can also conduct thorough audits of new component suppliers to make sure the supplier is deemed suitable.


Can you handle our entire logistics chain?

Yes, Orbit One can handle all or selected parts of your logistics chain. We tailor secure, efficient, and needs-based solutions that can include anything from warehousing of compo­nents, products, and spare parts to distri­bution directly to the end customer.

Can Orbit One help us with global logistics solutions?

Yes, we have long experience in logistics solutions worldwide and a global network for secure distri­bution all over the world. We do this with the same care as if it were our own products, and we also have systems that guarantee the highest level of privacy.

Can we track our products and inventory levels online?

Yes, our trans­parent reporting systems provide optimal control, overview, and detailed real-time reports. The reporting systems show inventory levels, monitor the movement of products from warehouse to customer, and provide detailed decision support.

Can you package in our own packaging?

Yes, Orbit One can handle all the packaging of products in your own packaging along with, for example, manuals, warrant sheets, and the like. The products are then distri­buted to you, a possible logistics centre, or directly to your end customers. You choose, and we adapt the solutions accor­dingly.

Can we reduce our capital tied up through your logistics services?

Yes, the big advantage for you is that you free up resources and get more efficient inventory management while reducing your capital tied up. By using our speci­alist services, you have more resources to focus on what you do best.

After Sales

Can Orbit One handle all our after sales services?

Yes, we have long experience in tailoring solutions to the needs of both our customers and their end customers, worldwide. Together with you, we design a process that supports your business and frees up important resources for you.

Can you offer service agree­ments on our products?

Yes, we can take care of service and updates for both customers and end customers. We can also offer so-called swap-and-repair, which means that a defect product is replaced with a new one while being repaired. This way, the end customer avoids unnecessary downtime.

What type of repairs can you do?

Orbit One can handle any type of repair, renovation of worn products, and system and software updates. We can do this on anything from circuit boards to complete units. Repairs are accom­panied by detailed reports on measures and sugges­tions for impro­ve­ments and redesign.

Can you take care of our inventory of spart parts?

Yes, Orbit One can handle all or parts of your spare parts inventory as well as distri­bution worldwide. Distri­bution can take place to you or to your end customers. Through our trans­parent reporting systems, you have optimal control over agreed inventory levels.

Can you take care of old products?

Yes, along with autho­rised recycling companies, we can take care of old products and handle the entire process for sustai­nable and safe recycling according to all appli­cable rules and environ­mental requi­re­ments.


Do you have services for risk assessment of compo­nents and chemicals?

Yes, Orbit One offers qualified services within analysis and inspection of conflict minerals, RoHS and the REACH Directive. Furthermore, through far-reaching colla­bo­ra­tions with suppliers, we can impose strict requi­re­ments with regard to environ­mental regula­tions, working condi­tions and trans­por­tation.

Can you help us choose or make a change to more sustai­nable compo­nents?

Yes, Orbit One’s purchasing officers possess expertise within component engine­ering and can help you find the most sustai­nable compo­nents. Our network includes over 800 suppliers, which enables us to guarantee sustai­nable compo­nents at the right price and quality.

Can you help us create a sustai­nable product design?

Yes, Orbit One can ensure that optimal sustai­na­bility is integ­rated into the product design process from the very beginning and that it then charac­te­rises the entire product lifecycle, from choice of compo­nents to design for optimal final recycling and recovery. These services also form the basis for correct and important documen­tation.

Are you certified in accor­dance with ISO 14001?

Yes, all our units are certified in accor­dance with ISO 14001. Our internal test and quality systems also contribute to continual impro­vement and development of sustai­nable solutions.

Do you publish a sustai­na­bility report for your business?

Yes, Orbit One publishes a sustai­na­bility report each year. It describes our business activities from a sustai­na­bility perspective, including our policies, our goals and how we work to achieve them. Our latest sustai­na­bility report is available for download at


Does Orbit One have quality certi­fi­ca­tions?

Yes, Orbit One’s manufacturing processes are certified as follows:

  • Ronneby, Stockholm, Prabuty ISO 9001:2015
  • Ronneby, Stockholm, Prabuty ISO 14001:2015
  • Ronneby, Stockholm ISO 13485:2016

The quality of all products is also ensured through Orbit One’s unique compre­hensive system for controlling and monitoring production processes (Manufacturing Execution System — MES).

Do you possess MedTech expertise?

Yes, medical technology is one of Orbit One’s special areas and our Ronneby unit and Stockholm unit are certified according to ISO 13485:2016. Furthermore, our ultra­modern technology and equipment is adapted to meet the stringent requi­re­ments on quality and clean­liness that apply to medical devices.

Can you handle inter­na­tional requi­re­ments?

Yes, we have long experience of manufacturing in accor­dance with inter­na­tional product safety requi­re­ments, for example, surveil­lance by UL, MET, CSA and ETL with regard to products for the American market. Before and after the completion of audits, we support our customers with helpful tips and advice for correct handling and mutual development. Orbit One also performs ongoing analysis of any other inter­na­tional requi­re­ments, to ensure that our customers’ needs can always be met.

How is quality assured at Orbit One?

The quality of all products is assured through the perfor­mance of thorough tests with the help of our general or customer-specific test equipment. By performing basic manual tests, and by using more advanced test systems or our AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection) machines, quality is assured throughout the entire production series.

How do you work with continual impro­vement?

One example of our approach and philo­sophy when it comes to quality is our unique quality reporting system, which produces correct data and documen­tation for fact-based decisions regarding impro­ve­ments. By using experi­ences and lessons learned from our processes and applying these to our preventive measures, we conti­nually improve our process control and can thus guarantee an even and high level of quality for all products.

Do you have services for risk assessment of compo­nents and chemicals?

Yes, Orbit One offers qualified services within analysis and inspection of conflict minerals, RoHS and the REACH Directive. Furthermore, through far-reaching colla­bo­ra­tions with suppliers, we can impose strict requi­re­ments with regard to environ­mental regula­tions, working condi­tions and trans­por­tation.

Can you help us choose or make a change to more sustai­nable compo­nents?

Yes, Orbit One’s purchasing officers possess expertise within component engine­ering and can help you find the most sustai­nable compo­nents. Our network includes over 800 suppliers, which enables us to guarantee sustai­nable compo­nents at the right price and quality.

Can you help us create a sustai­nable product design?

Yes, Orbit One can ensure that optimal sustai­na­bility is integ­rated into the product design process from the very beginning and that it then charac­te­rises the entire product lifecycle, from choice of compo­nents to design for optimal final recycling and recovery. These services also form the basis for correct and important documen­tation.

Are you certified in accor­dance with ISO 14001?

Yes, Orbit One is certified in accor­dance with ISO 14001. Furthermore, Orbit One’s manufacturing processes are also certified in accor­dance with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. Our internal test and quality systems also contribute to continual impro­vement and development of sustai­nable solutions.

Do you publish a sustai­na­bility report for your business?

Yes, Orbit One publishes a sustai­na­bility report each year. It describes our business activities from a sustai­na­bility perspective, including our policies, our goals and how we work to achieve them. Our latest sustai­na­bility report is available for download at


How do you begin a transfer?

Trans­ferring products requires great accuracy. It is absolutely vital to do it right from the start. Orbit One has long experience from and carefully developed processes for transfers. We always appoint a dedicated transfer team and, just like when we get started with a brand-new customer, we always conduct a feasi­bility study to ensure availa­bility of all the necessary infor­mation.

How is the feasi­bility study ensured?

The feasi­bility study is ensured during a contract review, where the customer verifies that all the infor­mation is correct according to a checklist. A schedule is then created, and any test shipments are carried out before the customer can finally approve the contract. After that, the transfer takes place and full-scale production can begin.

Do we get our own contact?

Yes, our customers get their own Account Manager who serves as the link between us and our customer. The Account Manager provides the customer with all the necessary infor­mation, monitors the process, and provides feedback. Through our trans­parent reporting systems, you also have optimal control over production status and agreed inventory levels.

Can you take over materials from previous suppliers?

Yes, we can take over materials from previous suppliers and, when we do, we always carry out a risk assessment and verify that included compo­nents and chemicals meet the perfor­mance requi­re­ments and comply with appli­cable legal requi­re­ments and directives. We can also evaluate existing compo­nents to determine whether there are better alter­na­tives.

Can you take over our existing supplier of compo­nents?

Yes, and as part of our procedure, we then check to make sure that the supplier lives up to our quality requi­re­ments. We can also conduct a compre­hensive audit of the supplier to determine whether it can be deemed appro­priate or if there are better alter­na­tives. Our network includes over 800 suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the right compo­nents at the right quality and price level.