Case Study

Sensys Gatso – a global leader in automated speed monitoring

Sensys Gatso is a Swedish global leader in automated speed monitoring. Sensys Gatso develops, produces and markets a wide range of systems, from tradi­tional spot speed cameras to hidden, ultra­modern vehicle-mounted systems and section control or travel time measu­rement systems.


Sensys Gatso




Traffic safety



Box build, confi­gu­ration and advanced testing by Orbit One

Since 2010, cassettes for Sensys Gatso’s stationary speed cameras have been assembled in a dedicated production cell at Orbit One in Ronneby. Orbit One performs complete box build with assembly of compo­nents such as cameras, video cameras, flashes and radar. In addition, the speed cameras are confi­gured diffe­rently in terms of both software and hardware, depending on the various requi­re­ments of each end market. Advanced post-assembly tests are also carried out to ensure the precision and quality of the cameras.

About the customer

Stationary speed cameras are an important component of traffic safety, and Orbit One has been one of Sensys Gatso’s manufacturing partners since 2010.

“A responsive organi­sation that understands what we need”

“One of the reasons we chose contract manufacturing is that our customer order patterns are both stochastic and volatile. Contract manufacturing therefore suits us very well, as it enables us to utilise Orbit One’s resources and their ability to ramp-up and ramp-down based on our customer order levels. We place a lot of emphasis on ensuring a good and close colla­bo­ration with the organi­sation at our contract manufacturing partners, and we are regularly on site in connection with both start-up and ongoing production, in order to support Orbit One’s team in the production of our products. We came into contact with Orbit One 10 years ago, and we perceive them as a responsive organi­sation that understands what we need. We appre­ciate their direct, non-hierar­chical lines of commu­ni­cation, whereby we have the oppor­tunity to speak directly with their assembly and test personnel during ongoing production. We also appre­ciate their skills and knowledge in relevant areas, as well as the fact that they have pleasant and dedicated staff who really care about our products, which have a major recog­nition factor.”

Jörgen Andersson

Managing Director, Sensys Gatso Sweden AB

Your product
Is our mission

Always 100% focus on your products. This is the principle we live by. This is the way we think. Orbit One takes long-term, total respon­si­bility for all our customers, be they large or small. We constantly ask ourselves: How can we do this even better, more effici­ently and more sustai­nably? How can we provide more value for the customer? We do not have any products of our own that compete for our time and attention, only your products, and our goal is clear: to be number one in value-adding contract manufacturing!

The customer in focus

Always 100% focus on your products. This is the principle we live by. This is the way we think. We do not have any products of our own that compete for our time and attention, only your products, and our goal is clear: to be number one in value-adding contract manufacturing!

Total solutions

Orbit One takes long-term, total respon­si­bility for all our customers, be they large or small. We constantly ask ourselves: How can we do this even better, more effici­ently and more sustai­nably? How can we provide more value for the customer?


Orbit One is one of Scandinavia’s leading and most experi­enced manufacturers of electronics  and electro­me­chanics. Together with the product owner, Orbit One produces tailor-made, optimised and sustai­nable solutions for the entire value chain.

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